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November 15, 2022
Leveraging technology & Data for more sustainable take-out packaging
Leveraging technology & Data for more sustainable take-out packaging
Sustainable packaging options are getting more and more creative and thanks to technology some companies are using a data driven approach to provide a more sustainable packaging options to their customers. One such strategy is gaining momentum in the takeout category, an approach which entails three parties, the packaging suppliers, restaurants, and the end user or customer. The processes is simple, the supplier provides reusable packaging materials to the restaurant then the restaurant fills the order using the provided packaging and the customer simply picks up the order and then returns the packaging within a certain amount of time. And the best part about this sustainable deposit free packaging system is that it comes at no cost to the end user. One of the companies currently experiencing the most success with this strategy is German company Vytal which creatively imprints its containers with QR codes that are able to pick up data while going through the supply chain. The data is then utilized to train an AI algorithm to forecast future container demands for each partner. Learn more here.
November 30, 2022
Algae-Based Packaging Startup Looks to Take Earthshot Prize Award
Algae-Based Packaging Startup Looks to Take Earthshot Prize Award
U.K start up looks to take home one of five earthshot prize awards for their innovative algae-based packaging. This year's awards ceremony will take place in Boston at the MGM music hall. The earthshot prize initiative was founded by Prince Willam and David Attenborough in 2020 as a means to solve the world's biggest environmental problems and the first prizes were awarded in 2021. This year algae-based packaging company Notpla will be competing with 14 other firms for five earthshot prizes. The winners will receive £1 million to continue their environmental efforts. Notpla fabricates various naturally degrading packaging from seaweed and other marine plants, and they believe their materials are far better than environmentally damaging plastics. Some of their packaging is even edible such their "Ooho" edible bubble membrane made from seaweed. Learn more here.
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